follow jesus deeper - foundations
Session 4 Presentation with no video
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Session 3 Presentation with no video
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HOMEWORK: Here is the link to taking the APEST Assessment -
Session 2 Presentation with video links
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HOMEWORK: Here is the link to taking the DiSC Assessment -
Video of Session 1:
Session 1 Presentation with video links
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Kathy's Intro Video
“Be alert, be present. I’m about to do something brand-new. It’s bursting out! Don’t you see it? There it is!
I’m making a road through the desert, rivers in the badlands.” Isaiah 43:19 (MSG)
I’m making a road through the desert, rivers in the badlands.” Isaiah 43:19 (MSG)

We are in a new season and a new year is upon us. Time for a jumpstart! On January 7, 2018 we will begin our new Follow Jesus Deeper - Foundations class. This is an exciting time and we want to invite you to kick off the New Year with a mindset of growing closer to Jesus.
· Would you like to be a part of the new thing he is doing and not looking back ?
· Have you been praying for a new way to connect with God ?
· Would you like to connect with more members of our church, and get to know them ?
· Do you need the skills or a new tool that will help your family grow closer together ?
· Have you been telling God, “Lord I need a change or something new and I’m waiting on you” ?
Well, this could be just what you have been waiting for. This four-session class beginning January 7 is intentionally designed to help you grow deeper and closer to God, our church, and those in your community. We will be focusing on how we can create stronger relationships with our heavenly Father, those in our lives, and the people God has been placing on our hearts.
See if some of these topics resonate with you:
- You want to have a more meaningful relationship with God this year.
- You would rather serve from rest than burnout.
- You would like to have a greater sense of community with this body.
- You have loved ones who wouldn't step inside a church and you want to know if it is possible to reach them where they are.
The Foundations class presents different topics each session, which build upon the previous session, and so should be attended all four of the Sundays in January (the 7th, 14th, 21st, and 28th), from 10:30 AM to Noon, to get the most out of what the class has to offer. We hope you will join us. The class will be led by the Follow Jesus Deeper Team (Steve B, Ronna B., Lee L., Kathy I., Melony B., Vicki K., Judy C., Steve C., Pete L.)
· Would you like to be a part of the new thing he is doing and not looking back ?
· Have you been praying for a new way to connect with God ?
· Would you like to connect with more members of our church, and get to know them ?
· Do you need the skills or a new tool that will help your family grow closer together ?
· Have you been telling God, “Lord I need a change or something new and I’m waiting on you” ?
Well, this could be just what you have been waiting for. This four-session class beginning January 7 is intentionally designed to help you grow deeper and closer to God, our church, and those in your community. We will be focusing on how we can create stronger relationships with our heavenly Father, those in our lives, and the people God has been placing on our hearts.
See if some of these topics resonate with you:
- You want to have a more meaningful relationship with God this year.
- You would rather serve from rest than burnout.
- You would like to have a greater sense of community with this body.
- You have loved ones who wouldn't step inside a church and you want to know if it is possible to reach them where they are.
The Foundations class presents different topics each session, which build upon the previous session, and so should be attended all four of the Sundays in January (the 7th, 14th, 21st, and 28th), from 10:30 AM to Noon, to get the most out of what the class has to offer. We hope you will join us. The class will be led by the Follow Jesus Deeper Team (Steve B, Ronna B., Lee L., Kathy I., Melony B., Vicki K., Judy C., Steve C., Pete L.)