SIX15MID-WEEK WORSHIPWe realize that a Sunday worship service does not match every person's schedule. Because of that, we offer a Wednesday service, complete with worship, prayer, and a message for all ages at 6:15pm. We meet in a smaller space so that we can mingle with one another and see all that is going on. Our time together ends around 7:00pm so families with littles can get them home in a timely manner.
what's a six15 service look like?
> Casual and great to bring friends too
>Built around family
>Still has key elements: worship, prayer, creed, Scripture, message and communion
>Experiential and participatory
>Sharing life together
>Holy and serene
>Built around family
>Still has key elements: worship, prayer, creed, Scripture, message and communion
>Experiential and participatory
>Sharing life together
>Holy and serene
We all get name tags in the front lobby and then go to the room.
Those who...
> work or have other obligations on Sunday mornings.
> may prefer a smaller setting than a larger group.
> want their family to follow Jesus and evening is a better time.
> desire to bring someone who has never gone to a worship service and want them to feel comfortable from the get-go.
> missed Sunday and still want to be with God's people.
> work or have other obligations on Sunday mornings.
> may prefer a smaller setting than a larger group.
> want their family to follow Jesus and evening is a better time.
> desire to bring someone who has never gone to a worship service and want them to feel comfortable from the get-go.
> missed Sunday and still want to be with God's people.