need someone to talk to?
Sometimes we need an outside objective view to clear the cobwebs and get direction. Following are some options we have available:
Church staff
You may contact the church office to set up a meeting with any of us. The information shared is kept confidential. We bring a heart to listen to where you really are and we are grounded in a Biblical perspective.
stephen ministry
A Stephen Minister is willing and able to care for you by listening and being there while you work through a tough time. Based on Jesus' instruction " one another as I have loved you," it is a one-to-one ministry by specially trained, caring Christians who are committed to entering into a long-term helping relationship focusing on the unique needs (such as loneliness, terminal illness, etc.) of each person who requests such help.
This ministry, like all other ministries of our congregation, is offered to all people in the community. If you feel a need for this kind of care, contact the church office at (503) 788-7000 or email the Stephen Ministry contact.
This ministry, like all other ministries of our congregation, is offered to all people in the community. If you feel a need for this kind of care, contact the church office at (503) 788-7000 or email the Stephen Ministry contact.
long-term professional counseling
If you are looking for a referral or long term counseling, we have some resources to which we can point you. Just give us a call at the church office at (503) 788-7000.
other resources
Here are some links to some resources that may help you with problems.
How to Make Stress Your Friend
Alcohol 101: Gender Differences
What You Need to Know About Job Stress and Substance Abuse
Is It Possible to Tell if Your Child Will Become an Addict?
7 Tips for Mothers of Adult Addicts
Overcoming Isolation in Addiction Recovery
The Growing Problem of Prescription Drug Addiction in Seniors
How to Make Stress Your Friend
Alcohol 101: Gender Differences
What You Need to Know About Job Stress and Substance Abuse
Is It Possible to Tell if Your Child Will Become an Addict?
7 Tips for Mothers of Adult Addicts
Overcoming Isolation in Addiction Recovery
The Growing Problem of Prescription Drug Addiction in Seniors