Our preschool registration for next Fall will open on February 7. Spread the word to any families with young children who are 3-5 years old. We have a fantastic staff who are lights every day to the students and their families. Kids really grow and mature at our preschool and make friends that sometimes last a lifetime. Invite families that would benefit from a Christ-centered early education.
- Mabel Sorenson's Celebration of Life will be Saturday, February 1, at 1:00pm. There will be a reception afterwards and you can contact Dora Morrison (503-329-4691) if you would like to help.
- Suzi Lucas Gathering will be at Beautiful Savior on Saturday, April 5, at noon. It will be a potluck so that everyone can share in the love. If you have any pictures of Suzi or stories that you would like to share, please email or bring them to Kathy in the office. Suzi has been a part of this family for a long time… off and on since the late 1970's. There is history here.
- Suzi Lucas Gathering will be at Beautiful Savior on Saturday, April 5, at noon. It will be a potluck so that everyone can share in the love. If you have any pictures of Suzi or stories that you would like to share, please email or bring them to Kathy in the office. Suzi has been a part of this family for a long time… off and on since the late 1970's. There is history here.

There is a greater need for blood due to natural disasters lately and you can sign up HERE to donate life-giving blood on Tuesday, February 18, from 1:00-6:00 p.m. (Make sure you select the Portland drive, not the Plymouth drive.)

There are two trips coming up this summer that can give you an opportunity to participate and help the gospel go forward. Some of you may be nudged by the Spirit to go and still others will be nudged to support the work of the Kingdom. There is information about both trips at the Connect Center.
a. Mexico Mission Trip - The trip will be June 14-22 and there is a Pre-Trip Application for anyone interested and putting your name in the list of attendees (deadline Feb 28).
a. Mexico Mission Trip - The trip will be June 14-22 and there is a Pre-Trip Application for anyone interested and putting your name in the list of attendees (deadline Feb 28).

b. Uganda Trip - Supporting Fountain of Hope Ministries from July 4-20. This will include village healthcare, humanitarian and Gospel outreach, and time with the kids at Fountain of Hope Schools. If you would like more information and are interested, let Kathy know. We would try and schedule a meeting with the organizer, John Kimsey. If you are not being nudged to go, maybe you would want to help with providing the costs for life-changing surgeries and medical care. See the flyer at the Connect Center.

SIX15 is each Wednesdays at 6:15pm. If you know someone that can’t come on Sundays, invite them to this time with God and His people. This is a great time of worship, learning and fellowship for anyone who enjoys a midweek connection with God.
If you have questions about any events, just give us a call at the church office at (503) 788-7000.