mark's gospel
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01-26-14 Mark: Fishers of Men
Scripture Reading Mark: 1.14-20, 2.13-17
02-02-14 Mark: Lord of Sabbath
Scripture Reading Mark: 2.23-3.12
02-09-14 Mark: Eternal Sin
Due to the snow storm Sunday worship services were cancelled
No Service...No Audio
Scripture Reading Mark: 3.20-30
02-16-14 Mark: Spiritual Growth-Our Role, His Role
Scripture Reading Mark: 4.1-20, 26-34
02-23-14 Mark: Freedom with Jesus
Scripture Reading Mark: 5.1-20
03-02-14 Mark: Being Sent by Jesus
Scripture Reading Mark: 6.6-12
03-05-14 Ash Wednesday Mark: The Loaves
Scripture Reading Mark: 7.1-23
03-09-14 Mark: Traditions and Life
Scripture Reading Mark: 7.1-23
03-16-14 Mark: A New Teaching
Scripture Reading Mark: 8.31-38
03-23-14 Mark: Powerful Praying
Scripture Reading Mark: 9.17-29
03-30-14 Mark: Divorce
This message was not recorded due to computer problems.
Scripture Reading Mark: 10.1-12
04-06-14 Mark: Status Report
Scripture Reading Mark: 10.35-45
04-13-14 Palm Sunday Mark: The Passion of God
Scripture Reading Mark: 11.12-18
04-17-14 Maundy Thursday Mark: The Beginning and the End
Scripture Reading Mark: 13.1-11
04-18-14 Good Friday Mark: Sacrifice for Jesus
Tenebrae Service |
Scripture Reading Mark: 14.1-11
04-20-14 Easter Mark: A Snapshot of Faith
Scripture Reading Mark: 16.1-8