vision for bslc

bslc_mission_and_vision__final_.pdf | |
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we pray together
Now is the time to wear our spiritual armor and join together in prayer. The enemy does not like the fruit we bear for Christ and is doing all he can to tear us apart. Now is the time to be on our spiritual "knees", side by side, heart to heart. Set aside the evening of June 3rd and grab your spouse, friends, and small group for a very special and incredible time before the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
april survey - values and priorities

april_survey_results_2017.pdf | |
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All surveys are now closed. We value your input, and appreciate each person's input as we seek to hear God's vision for us and move forward in obedience. Be praying for the Vision Team of ten as they pour over the results form each survey and listen to the Holy Spirit in the midst of the input.
BSLC demographics and ministry overview & values
Below are two pdf files that capture the demographics of this congregation and the history and overview of our ministry and values. You can view them here or download them onto your own computer for printing out. If you would like a printed copy, you can ask for one in the office.

bslc_demographics_04-17.pdf | |
File Size: | 340 kb |
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bslc_ministry_overview_and_values.pdf | |
File Size: | 361 kb |
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Report on Demographics around us
Click here to see a report on the demographics of the area around BSLC. You can get a feel for our local community based on four distinct areas:
- People & Place
- Faces of Diversity
- Community Issues
- Faith Preferences
march surveys - biblical truths and strengths/weaknesses

march_1st_survey_results_-biblical_essentials.pdf | |
File Size: | 196 kb |
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march_part_2_results_-strengths_weaknesses.pdf | |
File Size: | 131 kb |
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Welcome to the second in a series of listening surveys about our church and our future together. In this March Part 2 survey, the focus is on five functional areas of BSLC and we want to listen to what you observe as strengths and weaknesses in each area. View the above pdf for the results of this survey.
february - focus on culture
Stori interviewed 46 people in various malls asking an assortment of questions about our culture and how the church is viewed now. In this pdf is the summary of that poll.

summary_of_poll_stats.pdf | |
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We have gathered information from five case studies done around the country. See how others are engaging with the changes in culture and living and showing Jesus in innovative ways.

case_studies_by_other_churches.pdf | |
File Size: | 539 kb |
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Sunday classes - culture RESPONSE RESULTS
From the February class on the Gospel in Culture, here are three take-aways to spur us on to keep engaging with people through relationships.
- The Gospel is the same, today, yesterday and tomorrow; but how it is spread and the ease with which it is communicated is very much impacted by the relationship the church has with the culture that surrounds it.
- We have a rich history and examples in our own Bible that sets a precedent for us being students of our culture- learning the language, manner of communications and even the traditions of the world around- without compromising faithfulness to God.
- What are ways we can avoid jumping to criticizing the culture around us and instead creatively engage in places of shared values and be a bridge from the values someone may already have to Jesus?
Hurdles of Living in Post- Christendom Culture
· Plugged into technology O=26.32% X=10.53%
· Less connected to people O=26.32% X=13.16%
· Numbed-up/self-medicate with meds, food, tv, video games, sensory overload O=18.42% X=0.00%
· A lot of options in everything O=23.68% X=5.26%
· Craving purpose but drawn to non-sustainable fashionable responses to social issues O=23.68% X=18.42%
· Liberal elitism O=5.26% X=7.89%
· Subjectivity O=47.37% X=10.53%
· Busy O=18.42% X=18.42%
· Apathetic O=0.00% X=26.32%
· Information overload O=5.26% X=5.26%
1. Put an O by the hurdles that you have felt the strongest/noticed in the culture around you.
2. Put an X next to the hurdle that most scares you or gives you the most anxiety.
Values of a Post-Christendom Culture
· Plurality of ideas O=2.63% X=0.00%
· Challenging of authority O=31.58% X=23.68%
· Desire for relational depth O=31.58% X=0.00%
· Social justice issues O=7.89% X=2.63%
· Diversity O=2.63% X=0.00%
· Exploration O=2.63% X=5.26%
· Informed O=28.95% X=13.16%
· Spirituality O=34.21% X=21.05% · Community O=0.00% X=0.00%
1. Put by O by the ones that have the most potential for opportunity and common ground with our own Christian values.
2. Put an X by the value you would be the most excited about engaging with as a Christian?
· Plugged into technology O=26.32% X=10.53%
· Less connected to people O=26.32% X=13.16%
· Numbed-up/self-medicate with meds, food, tv, video games, sensory overload O=18.42% X=0.00%
· A lot of options in everything O=23.68% X=5.26%
· Craving purpose but drawn to non-sustainable fashionable responses to social issues O=23.68% X=18.42%
· Liberal elitism O=5.26% X=7.89%
· Subjectivity O=47.37% X=10.53%
· Busy O=18.42% X=18.42%
· Apathetic O=0.00% X=26.32%
· Information overload O=5.26% X=5.26%
1. Put an O by the hurdles that you have felt the strongest/noticed in the culture around you.
2. Put an X next to the hurdle that most scares you or gives you the most anxiety.
Values of a Post-Christendom Culture
· Plurality of ideas O=2.63% X=0.00%
· Challenging of authority O=31.58% X=23.68%
· Desire for relational depth O=31.58% X=0.00%
· Social justice issues O=7.89% X=2.63%
· Diversity O=2.63% X=0.00%
· Exploration O=2.63% X=5.26%
· Informed O=28.95% X=13.16%
· Spirituality O=34.21% X=21.05% · Community O=0.00% X=0.00%
1. Put by O by the ones that have the most potential for opportunity and common ground with our own Christian values.
2. Put an X by the value you would be the most excited about engaging with as a Christian?
As Stori interviewed 46 people, the only words that even HALF of the people knew were Old Testament, New Testament and Sin.
The rest of the words, less than 10 people knew them.
1. Does this surprise or shock you?
7.23% Very 18.07% Yes 21.69% Not much 8.73% No
The rest of the words, less than 10 people knew them.
1. Does this surprise or shock you?
7.23% Very 18.07% Yes 21.69% Not much 8.73% No
The book “Why Nobody Wants to Go to Church Anymore” Shared four underlying reasons people gave for not wanting to attend Church:
Put an X on the reason that you have heard MOST OFTEN from people.
Put a check mark next to the one you think is MOST DOMINANT from people.
Put an X on the reason that you have heard MOST OFTEN from people.
Put a check mark next to the one you think is MOST DOMINANT from people.
- Don’t Want to be lectured X=7.23% Check=2.41%
- They view the church as judgmental X=34.94% Check=18.07%
- They viewed the church as hypocritical X=34.94% Check=20.48%
- They view the church as irrelevant X=24.10% Check=38.55%
February 5th, 2017 Connection Card Response results
Internationally the church is growing, but in the United States church attendance is largely decreasing; between 4,000-7,000 churches close their doors every year (some estimate higher)
The number of people who self-identify as Christian has decreased, and the number of people who identify as “none” is on the rise (1/5 of the U.S Population and 1/3 adults under 30 do not adhere to a specific religion.
This trend is projected to continue. We want to hear from you!
1. On a scale of 1 to 10, how positive or negative do you think the cultures view of the church is today? (1 being as negative as it could be, and 10 being very positive)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1.16% 6.98% 20.93% 24.42% 27.91% 10.47% 5.81% 1.16% 2.33% 0.0%
2. On a scale of 1 to 10, how positive or negative do you think the cultures view of the church was 2- years ago?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0.0 % 0.0% 9.30% 13.95% 16.28% 16.28% 20.93% 17.44% 6.98% 0.0%
The number of people who self-identify as Christian has decreased, and the number of people who identify as “none” is on the rise (1/5 of the U.S Population and 1/3 adults under 30 do not adhere to a specific religion.
This trend is projected to continue. We want to hear from you!
1. On a scale of 1 to 10, how positive or negative do you think the cultures view of the church is today? (1 being as negative as it could be, and 10 being very positive)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1.16% 6.98% 20.93% 24.42% 27.91% 10.47% 5.81% 1.16% 2.33% 0.0%
2. On a scale of 1 to 10, how positive or negative do you think the cultures view of the church was 2- years ago?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0.0 % 0.0% 9.30% 13.95% 16.28% 16.28% 20.93% 17.44% 6.98% 0.0%