Sunday Services: 8:15 and 11:00 a.m.
04-03-16 Boundaries
Scripture Reading Galatians 6.2-5, Proverbs 4.23
04-10-16 In My Backpack
Scripture Reading Ephesians 4.26-27, 2 Cor. 9.7
04-17-16 Sowing and Reaping
Scripture Reading Galatians 6.7-8
04-24-16 A Boundary Story
Scripture Reading Philippians 2.12-13, 1 Samuel 15.24-35
05-01-16 Power
Scripture Reading 2 Samuel 12.13-24
05-08-16 Respecting Boundaries
Scripture Reading Luke 17.11-19
05-15-16 Love in a World of Boundaries
Scripture Reading Acts 5.1-11
05-22-16 Discernment
Scripture Reading Mark 14:27-31
05-29-16 The Green Grass
Scripture Reading Galatians 6.4 James 4.2
06-05-16 Clear Boundaries
Scripture Reading Deuteronomy 5.1-7